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Vireo::SubString Class Reference

The core class for working with strings. The SubString never owns the data it points to. More...

#include <StringUtilities.h>

Inheritance diagram for Vireo::SubString:
Vireo::SimpleSubVector< Utf8Char >

Public Member Functions

 SubString (const char *begin)
 SubString (const Utf8Char *begin, const Utf8Char *end)
 SubString (SubString *original)
void AliasAssignCStr (const char *begin)
void EatToEol ()
void EatLeadingSpaces ()
void EatOptionalComma ()
Int32 ReadEscapeToken (SubString *token)
bool SplitString (SubString *beforeMatch, SubString *afterMatch, char separator) const
Int32 LengthAferProcessingEscapes ()
void ProcessEscapes (char *begin, char *end)
Boolean Compare (const SubString *string) const
Boolean Compare (const Utf8Char *begin, IntIndex length) const
Boolean Compare (const Utf8Char *begin, IntIndex length, Boolean ignoreCase) const
Boolean CompareCStr (const char *begin) const
Boolean ComparePrefix (const Utf8Char *begin, Int32 length) const
Boolean ComparePrefixCStr (const char *begin) const
Boolean ReadRawChar (char *token)
Boolean ReadChar (char token)
Boolean ReadChar (const char *token)
Boolean ReadInt (IntMax *value)
Boolean ParseDouble (Double *value)
Boolean ReadToken (SubString *token)
Boolean ReadSubexpressionToken (SubString *token)
Boolean IdentifierIsNext () const
Int32 CountMatches (char value)
void TrimQuotedString ()
TokenTraits ReadValueToken (SubString *token, TokenTraits allowedTraits)
IntIndex FindFirstMatch (SubString *searchString, IntIndex offset, Boolean ignoreCase)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Vireo::SimpleSubVector< Utf8Char >
 SimpleSubVector ()
 Construct a wrapper from an existing wrapper.
 SimpleSubVector (const Utf8Char *begin, const Utf8Char *end)
 Construct a wrapper for a raw block of elements.
void AliasAssign (SimpleSubVector *subVector)
 Reassign the wrapper.
void AliasAssign (const Utf8Char *begin, const Utf8Char *end)
 Reassign the wrapper to a new raw block of elements.
IntIndex CopyToBoundedBuffer (IntIndex bufferSize, Utf8Char *buffer)
 Construct a wrapper for a raw block of elements.
const Utf8Char * Begin () const
 Return a pointer to the first element in the vector.
const Utf8Char * End () const
 Returns a pointer just past the last element in the vector.
IntIndex Length () const
 Returns the lenght of the vector.
bool Compare (const Utf8Char *begin2, Int32 length2)
 Return true if the blocks are equivalent.
bool Compare (const SimpleSubVector *subVector)
 Return true if the blocks are equivalent.

Static Public Member Functions

static Boolean IsAscii (char c)
static Boolean IsEolChar (char c)
static Boolean IsSpaceChar (char c)
static Boolean IsNumberChar (char c)
static Boolean IsLetterChar (char c)
static Boolean IsIdentifierChar (char c)
static Boolean IsSymbolChar (char c)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from Vireo::SimpleSubVector< Utf8Char >
const Utf8Char * _begin
const Utf8Char * _end

Detailed Description

The core class for working with strings. The SubString never owns the data it points to.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: