Vireo  1.0
Compact runtime for Virtual Instruments
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Vireo::ExecutionContext Class Reference

Public Member Functions

ECONTEXT TypeManagerRef TheTypeManager ()
 ExecutionContext (TypeManagerRef typeManager)
 Inner execution loop "breaks out" when this gets to 0.
ECONTEXT PlatformTickType PlatformTickCount ()
ECONTEXT VIClumpRunngQueueElt ()
ECONTEXT void CheckOccurrences (PlatformTickType t)
ECONTEXT void ExecuteFunction (FunctionClump *fclump)
ECONTEXT ExecutionState ExecuteSlices (Int32 numSlices, PlatformTickType tickCount)
ECONTEXT InstructionCoreSuspendRunningQueueElt (InstructionCore *whereToWakeUp)
ECONTEXT InstructionCoreStop ()
ECONTEXT void ClearBreakout ()
ECONTEXT InstructionCoreWaitUntilTickCount (PlatformTickType count, InstructionCore *next)
ECONTEXT void EnqueueRunQueue (VIClump *elt)
ECONTEXT void LogEvent (EventLog::EventSeverity severity, const char *message,...)

Static Public Member Functions

static Boolean IsNotCulDeSac (InstructionCore *pInstruciton)
static void ClassInit ()

Public Attributes

ECONTEXT VIClump_runningQueueElt

Private Attributes

ECONTEXT TypeManagerRef _theTypeManager
ECONTEXT Queue _runQueue
ECONTEXT VIClump_sleepingList
 Clumps ready to run.
ECONTEXT IntSmall _breakoutCount
 Clumps waiting for a point in time wake them up.

Static Private Attributes

static Boolean _classInited
static Instruction0 _culDeSac

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