Vireo  1.0
Compact runtime for Virtual Instruments
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core Directory Reference


file  Array.cpp
 Native Vireo array functions.
file  Assert.cpp
file  CEntryPoints.cpp
 C entry points for core Vireo functions. Used when the runtime is built and loaded as a library.
file  DataQueue.cpp
file  EggShell.cpp
file  EventLog.cpp
file  ExecutionContext.cpp
 Native Vireo exection methods.
file  GenericFunctions.cpp
 Generic instruction generation methods for polymorphic and aggregate functions.
file  Math.cpp
 Native Vireo maths functions for core types.
file  Queue.cpp
file  String.cpp
 Native Vireo string functions.
file  StringUtilities.cpp
file  TDCodecLVFlat.cpp
 Native Verio functions for LabVIEW's flat data format.
file  TDCodecVia.cpp
 Native Verio VIA functions.
file  Thread.cpp
file  TimeTypes.cpp
file  TypeAndDataManager.cpp
file  TypeDefiner.cpp
file  VireoMerged.cpp
 A file that includes core C++ files so they can be compiled as a single unit.
file  VirtualInstrument.cpp
 Native Vireo VI functions.